helping companies grow…one marketing campaign at a time

At Konhaus Marketing, we don’t believe in any “one-size-fits-all” approach to marketing. We pride ourselves in creating effective customized marketing strategies and supporting these strategies with remarkable customer service.

We offer a variety of services including graphic design, printing, direct mail, QR codes, website design, customized landing pages and database management. By offering such a wide range of services in one place, we can provide our clients a consistent voice that ensures your customers and potential customers receive your message.

Today’s consumer encounters hundreds or even thousands of messages every day. The volume of information is so massive that many need to see a message seven to 10 times in order to retain it.

What does this mean for your marketing efforts?

Repetition yields an optimal result.  If you plan to run an advertisement in a print publication, the account executive will likely tell you to run it multiple times. In fact, a minimum of three times is preferred.

You need a variety of media.  Second, you should be leveraging multiple platforms to deliver your message. Not only does this increase the chance that your message is seen, it accounts for the fact that customers vary in how they prefer to receive information.

Consistency is key. Finally, you must be consistent with your message across these multiple platforms. The message should direct, clear and memorable on all platforms.

To sum this up, the most successful marketing campaigns deliver a clear and consistent message through integrated efforts that target your ideal customers through multiple channels.

The digital era has presented enormous opportunity to leverage multiple channels and extend your reach, especially when integrated with traditional marketing. In many cases, the individual ad leverages multiple channels within the same piece:

Examples include:

  • Television programs/commercials that encourage the viewer to interact on Twitter
  • A print ad that includes a QR code
  • A print ad that direct the audience to a Facebook page
  • A direct mail piece that allows the user to scan a QR code. (Read more on this)
  • An email signature with a link to a website or landing page
  • A search engine result with a link

What are you doing to integrate your marketing efforts?

Comments on: "Marketing Must-Have’s: Integration and Consistency!" (1)

  1. […] to plan and integrate – How will you plan the mailing in conjunction with other marketing efforts (for example, a QR […]

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